Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Knock…..knock…..anyone still here?

As 2009 closed and 2010 slid into place, I spent a lot of time thinking about what I wanted to do in the new year.  Now that Mom has passed away, I can finally take more time for me.  So, instead of resolutions that are only going to be ignored or broken, I started to make a list of things that I wanted to do for myself this year.  Apart from the obvious – drop XX pounds (which I am FINALLY going to address this year), and be a better analyst, I have decided to focus more on what gives me a sense of self:

1. Getting the house finished – new stove, new entry and floors, refinish the old floors and as much bathroom redo as I am willing to fund – and to do more of it myself, not just open my pocketbook.

2. Getting back into what I love to do outdoors, mainly, golf and gardening. I’d also like to add photography to that list.

3. Biking – not long haul stuff, but just not going for the car as the first mode of travel for a quick trip to the store.

4. Relationship stuff – mainly get my head out of my ass and be more social.

5. Blog.  I miss it and really want to get back to writing for the sake of writing again.  I’ve been reading Michael Palin’s first edition of his diaries and it sparked memories of what I loved about journaling.

I don’t know if anyone still reads this blog, I suspect they don’t, but I have decided that it’s time to start writing again.  If you’re there, thank you for being patient. If I’m only writing for myself, well, that’s okay too.  This I’m doing for me.


The Czar Dictates said...

Hey, stranger. I'm still reading.

And I'm also embarrassed about how many things should be on my resolution list (lose 15 lbs, be more social, ...)

WV: "griesses": the profound regret you feel the day after eating fatty fast food

Debie Napoleon said...

Well, I am still reading too! Always will.

Jaina said...

I'm still here, I was just away for nearly 3 weeks and am finally getting through my reader, slowly but surely. I've yet to put up my resolutions, but I should have them up soon. I'm glad to hear that things are going well, sounds like you have some awesome goals for the year. :)