Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Mom is still in the hospital - another stroke.  We're trying to get her into a nursing home, but it's proving to be a nightmare - most places won't take her because she was in less than 60 days ago and she's used up her rehab supplement - they don't want to give up a rehab bed for someone who probably is looking at long term nursing care - so they will charge us $125/day. Now I see how people can lose everything. We're applying for Medicaid but it's not yet been approved.  Bottom line, don't get old without plenty of money in the bank or long term disability insurance.   I'm at my wits' end.  The red tape, a frightened senior citizen - kid problems (my son is autistic and turning 18, so we're dealing with guardianship issues). I need to be on the road next week and most of next month.  I'm actually looking forward to that just to have a break. My family is far away, my friends - absent. I'm not eating right, forget exercise, I have had a stress headache for a week. I am at a loss.


Anonymous said...

Oh geez, that's horrible. My mom went throught his with my Dad but couldn't get medicaid becuase they owned their home etc. It's horrible, just horrible. I am so sorry you are having to deal with this. Take it easy.

Jaina said...

Oh goodness ::hugs:: I can't imagine. I'll keep you all in my prayers. Just keep breathing, you'll make it through.

Debie Napoleon said...

I'll be there as promised on Thursday. Can I do something in the meantime?

Cindy said...

Add to that: Don't get old without a strong family system behind you. She's so lucky she's got you.

Sending good wishes your way.