Wednesday, March 26, 2008

How I felt on the Schuykill Expressway this morning.......



For those of you not familiar with the Philly area, the Schuykill is pronounced "Skoookle"...emphasis on the ooooooooo


How I felt on the Schukyll Expressway


The cats have the right idea.....


Picture 064


Another thought....remember Knut the baby polar bear rejected by his mother?  It seems that Lindsay Lohan and Britney Spears aren't the only child stars with serious problems:





It's seems all that limelight has turned the poor creature into an "animal psychopath".  Think Cirque Lodge has any room??


Come to think of it, during my sit on the "Skoookle";, I sorta felt like the Knut on the right


captain corky said...

I read your comment over at Jay's blog and I just want you to know that I agree, Sony is the best! I've lived most of my life by his very wise words of wisdom. ;)

Since moving to KY, traffic no longer has any meaning to me.

Cindy said...

That is a scary picture of Knut, but not as disturbing as most picture of Britney Spears these days!